



  • 名词:-o;复数:-i
  • 形容词:-a
  • 副词:-e
  • 动词:-ar 为不定式
    • 现在时态:-as
    • 过去时态:-is
    • 未来时态:-os
    • 条件:-us,举例:il venus se il povus = he would come if he were able
    • 祈使:-ez
  • 动词扩展
    • 主动现在分词:-anta,类似于英语的 -ing,举例:fluganta uceli = flying birds; persono skribanta letro = a person writing a letter; kantanta puerino = a singing girl.
    • 主动过去分词:-inta,举例:fluginta uceli = birds which have flown; hundo dorminta = a dog which has slept.
    • 主动未来分词:-onta,举例:stono falonta = a stone that is going to fall; la puerino kantonta = the girl who is going to sing.
    • 被动现在分词:-ata,举例:letro skribata = a letter (that is) being written; vorto kantata = a word (being) sung.
    • 被动过去分词:-ita,举例:letro skribita = a letter (that has been) written; lavita vesti = washed clothes;
    • 被动未来分词:-ota,举例:etro skribota = a letter (that is going) to be written; la jetota bulo = the ball that is (yet) to be thrown.
  • 主动变被动:在根词和动词后缀之间添加 -es-,举例:vidas means ‘sees’, but videsas (vid-es-as) means ‘is seen’. So an alternative, shorter way of saying ni esas trovota is ni trovesos = we will be found. Similarly, ol trovesis = it was found.
  • The suffix -ab- is used with verbs as an optional substitute for equivalent longer forms ending in -inta, and preceded by the appropriate form of the verb esar (to be). This is shown by the following examples: skribabis (sbrib-ab-is) = esis skribinta = had written; vendabos (vend-ab-os) = esos vendinta = will have sold; vidabas (vid-ab-as) = esas vidinta = has seen (‘is having seen’).
  • 名词变形容词:-al-
  • 形容词变动词:-ig-
  • 名词变动词:-ag- indicating action; -iz- indicating addition of one thing to another